Taking you from the classroom to the boardroom.
Resume Tutor
Tweaking, Editing, and Making it Shine
Career Coach
Encouragement and a Kick in the pants if you need it.
Career Coach
Success is quicker when you can learn from the mistakes of someone who has 'been there' and 'done that.'
Interview Prepper
Practice Scenarios, Walk-Thrus and Phone Preparation
7 Most Powerful Career Tips You Should Know
Get Immediate AccessI know the pitfalls and potholes and would love to help you on your new career journey.
It’s always easier to find your destination with a map – or to learn from others who have experience. I wish there had been someone with experience around for me to talk to when I was starting my career, or even as I was going through different stages of my career. I have changed careers, changed jobs, been hired and even laid-off – or fired, if that’s what you prefer to call it. Some of it’s fun and some…not so much.
I have worked in corporations of all sizes in addition to being an entrepreneur, so I know a bit more than what you will find in an average college classroom.
My career journey has been so interesting I was inspired to write about it, including two humorous books. “Tales of the Terminated”, my first book, and the follow up, “Adventures in the Discomfort Zone”can both be found on Amazon.

You can see in the picture to the left a few of my success stories. These are three people who are very special to me; each one began their career better prepared than many of their friends. My success is measured by the people I work with, not in numbers or grades. I’m proud to say all of the students I’ve worked with to date have met their personal goals.
Too many ‘experts’ have an education, but no experience. My experience includes four career transitions, working for five major brands, reviewing hundreds of resumes as a hiring manager and personally developing successful job search strategies. This “real world” experience allows me to guide you in ways you can’t get out of a book or from sitting in a comfortable office. That means when your situation doesn’t fit the mold, I can show you how to zig or zag, depending on what you need. And if I don’t have an answer, someone in my network does.
As a Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC), my job is to assess each person’s needs and determine the best way to help you achieve your career goals. Each person is different and I work to develop a course of action that best suits your particular situation.
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