The sun is shining, trees are beginning to bud and my calendar says March. I don’t know about you, but that screams “spring” to me. Yet one step outside and I realize looks can be deceiving. The Polar Vortex has not completely left.
So I here I sit in my cashmere sweater and Ugg boots trying to stay warm when my toes are ready to stretch out in new sandals.
I’m tired of my winter work wardrobe and am ready to dive into spring and summer fashions. I’m pretty sure my colleagues are tired of my tried-and-true cashmere sweaters as well. So I peruse the newest catalog with this season’s must-haves.
I really love spring and summer fashions, especially for work. Usually I’m a pants-gal, although dresses are a great choice for the office: they look good and it’s easy to get ready in the morning. Just throw on a cute pair of pumps or dressy sandals and some jewelry and you’re ready to go.
Men, depending on the dress code at your office, a collar-less t-shirt in a nice fabric and a sport coat are a good alternative to a coat and tie. Or even a nice golf shirt if your office is business-casual.
Perhaps it’s because I really like fashion and feel good when I dress well, or maybe it’s my experience as a buyer for Neiman’s, but it really bothers me when I see people wear inappropriate clothing to work.
With all of the great fashions available at affordable prices, there are some things that should never be worn to work. Ever. I mean it.
Since I’ve actually witnessed these “dress for success” mistakes, I wanted to share this quick list of “Eleven Things Never to Wear to Work”. (Why not ten? Number eleven was too good to leave out.)
Eleven Things Never To Wear to Work
Strapless Dress – No matter how warm it is outside, a strapless dress is for after-hours. I’m sorry that you love it; it’s not appropriate for the office. If it’s the only clean item in your closet, at the very least wear a sweater or jacket to cover your shoulders.
Cleavage Crack – Can’t believe we have to address this one yet I keep seeing it so apparently some haven’t gotten the memo. Anything that exposes your cleavage needs to be saved for after work.
Tank Top – It’s fine to wear tanks or cami’s under jackets and sweaters as long as there’s no cleavage crack. But not as a top without a jacket. And men – this is a “no” all the time. No one wants to work next to your hairy arm pits.
Too-Tight Anything – Especially if it’s a blouse – the “girls” should not cause fabric to strain. As painful as it may be to your psyche, buy a bigger size top for work.
Flip Flops – Rubber flip flops are great – for the beach or pool. Guys, I know you want to wear sandals and this is one of your only options but it’s not good. Find a nice casual shoe instead.
Shorts – It should go without saying that one should not wear shorts to work, even if it’s a cute dressy outfit with platform sandals. Actually, that might be worse, if you want to be taken seriously.
Sky-High Platforms or Stilettos – I’m a shoe addict with a collection Imelda would envy. But I understand that not all of my shoes are right for the office. Some are meant for evenings and weekends. And ladies, if you have trouble walking in your shoes then you really don’t need to wear them to work. Or anywhere, for that matter.
T-Shirts with Slogans – I love a good concert t-shirt. Just not at work.
Wrinkled and/or Stained Clothing – Check your outfit before you leave the house. Has it been cleaned and pressed? Be sure to check it again after you’ve had your breakfast, before you get in the car. If you spilled, change.
Frayed Jeans – I love that many offices allow jeans at work. But I’m pretty sure jeans that are ripped from top to bottom are not the best choice. Yes, I know we pay big bucks to look that ragged. Impress your friends after hours instead.
Too Much of Anything – When it comes to dressing for work, think “less is more”. Cologne, make-up, big hair, jewelry – too much ruins the great statement you were trying to make.