It goes back to my days in graduate school. I left a career that was totally wrong for me (engineering) to pursue an MBA. While I knew I was heading in the right direction, I still didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do for my career.
Eventually I figured it out and landed a dream job at graduation. Yet as I have advanced in my career, I now realize how many other opportunities are available that I simply didn’t know about when I was starting out. Had I known then what I know now, I might have taken a different career path.
We don’t always get all of the help we need at the college level. Professors are awesome; I’m still in touch with many of mine. But their experience is more academic and at the time I needed someone with corporate experience.
What if there had been someone for me to talk to, someone in my field of interest, with years of experience, who was available to share knowledge with me?
What if I had access to someone who had “Been There and Done That?”
That’s me. I literally have been there and done that. I have transitioned into different careers four times. I have successfully conducted job searches to find employment at a new company six times. I have experienced countless promotions and job changes within an organization, and I have been laid-off. I have become an author, a newspaper columnist and an entrepreneur.
My mantra is that there’s always a way; we just have to figure it out. And sometimes that means getting a little help from a career coach.
I would love to share my experience to help you achieve your goals. Contact me at 469-626-TAMI.