“Networking group meets at 11:30; see you there!”
I stared at the email and contemplated my options. Should I go to the one-hour networking lunch or stay home and concentrate on my to-do list?
The easy choice was to stay in my home office and keep working.
The more difficult choice was to pick myself up, get ready, grab some business cards and go to the lunch meeting.
After all, it was already 10:30 and I was still in my morning-walk-the-dog outfit. Make-up was questionable. My to-do list for clients was a mile-long. I wasn’t looking for a job; I had good clients and lots of work to keep me busy.
Besides, this was a new networking group and I really didn’t know anyone. Okay, I sort of knew the leader of the group. We both attended the same high school way-back-when and had reconnected on social media.
But was seeing an old friend to have lunch enough incentive to leave the comfort of my home office? Aside from my friend, I wouldn’t know anyone at the meeting.
I tried to convince myself that attending was a good thing; something I had done hundreds of times before at various events. I knew how to mingle and make small talk. This would only be an hour of my life.
How hard could it be?
Networking can be one of the most difficult things we do. Even for an outgoing social-butterfly like me.
In fact, if I wasn’t so outgoing and social, I can see how easy it would be to never attend a networking event. Ever.
It’s hard to go to these things alone. Thoughts that ran through my mind included:
“What will I say?”
“What if they don’t like me?”
“Will I have anything of value to contribute?”
“Maybe it’s a waste of time.”
“Maybe I should wait until another day when I’m better prepared.”
Geez, I can talk my way out of anything. Like most of us can, I suspect.
And this was coming from someone who is skilled at networking. Someone who writes about this subject; who coaches others on the finer points of networking; who understands the importance of building and maintaining your network.
Then it hit me. I suddenly realized that if I was having difficulty attending a one-hour networking lunch, imagine how some of my clients must feel?
My energy kicked in as I got dressed in my best business-casual outfit, touched up my make-up, grabbed a stack of business cards and hopped in the car.
Driving towards the meeting, I quickly outlined my goals. Introduce myself to at least five people. Come home with at least five business cards. I rehearsed my thirty-second elevator speech about my business.
You know what? It wasn’t hard at all.
The group was small and welcomed me. We each had a chance to introduce ourselves and tell a little about ourselves. Unlike other networking groups I had attended, everyone here was actually working.
I met my goals.
As I left, I promised myself I would return for another meeting as well as get out to other groups. The only way to meet people is to leave the house. Duh!
Added bonus: One of the people I met needed my expertise for a job he was bidding and contacted me for help. Who knows? This could translate into more business for me.
The lesson for all of us is this: No matter where we are in our career, we must continue to network.
Whether you work in an office or from home, get outside of your normal routine and expand your horizons to add names to your digital rolodex. The most difficult part of networking is leaving the house.
Besides, you have to eat lunch anyway. May as well be productive while doing so.